VEX Robotics and the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation has considered the following:
VEX Robotics and the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation hereby find that the safety guidelines contained herein are reasonable based on the above considerations.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act and subsequent regulation, it is the policy of the VEX Robotics World Championship that mobility devices used by individuals with disabilities are permitted in all facilities and programs.
Wheelchair – “Wheelchair” is defined as “a manually-operated or power-driven device designed primarily for use by an individual with a mobility disability for the main purpose of indoor or indoor and outdoor locomotion.” This definition includes mobility scooters.
Mobility Disability – A “mobility disability” is a disability under the ADA and includes a wide range of such disabilities, including circulatory and respiratory disabilities that make walking difficult or impossible.
Other Power-Driven Mobility Device – An “Other Power-Driven Mobility Device (OPDMD)” is defined as any mobility device powered by batteries – whether or not designed primarily for use by individuals with mobility disabilities – that are used by individuals with mobility disabilities for the purpose of locomotion. Included in the OPDMD category are: electronic personal assistance mobility devices (e.g. Segway® PT) and any mobility device designed to operate in areas without defined pedestrian routes, but that is not a wheelchair.
VEX Worlds Facilities – “VEX Worlds Facilities” is defined as any facility at which VEX Worlds activities, practices or competitions are held. The primary location for VEX Worlds is the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas, 650 S Griffin St, Dallas, TX 75202.
Use of Wheelchairs and Manually-Powered Mobility Aids – VEX Worlds shall permit individuals with mobility disabilities to use wheelchairs and manually-powered mobility aids, such as walkers, crutches, canes, braces, or other similar devices designed for use by individuals with mobility disabilities in any areas open to pedestrian use.
Use of Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices (OPDMD) – Individuals with mobility disabilities may also use Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices in areas of the VEX Worlds facilities or properties utilized by VEX Worlds. Individuals with a mobility disability have the right to determine which OPDMD best suits their needs and can use the OPDMD of their choosing in accordance with the safety guidelines below. No combustion engine-powered Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices are allowed to be operated indoors because they may present a substantial risk of serious harm to operators, visitors and the immediate environment due to various concerns, including the risk of fire, the risk of fuel spill, engine noise, air quality, and the typical dimensions, weight and horsepower of such a device.
A person using a wheelchair or OPDMD may not be asked about the nature and extent of the person’s disability. A person using an OPDMD MAY be asked to provide “credible assurance” that the mobility device is required because of the person’s mobility disability.
Note: “Credible assurance” can be the person’s State issued placard ID, or other proof of the disability or can be a verbal statement not contradicted by observable fact.
If a certain class of OPDMD cannot be accommodated because of legitimate safety concerns, VEX Worlds will try to accommodate such individuals with an alternative, if possible.
This Policy does not require VEX Worlds to provide individuals with disabilities personal devices, such as wheelchairs or Other Power-Driven Mobility Devices.
For questions, email hr@recf.org.