The REC Foundation welcomes thousands of teams every year to the VEX Robotics World Championship, providing world-class service, experience, and fun in a safe and secure environment.
To ensure the health and safety for all participants, we ask that all registered teams take the time to review the policies and guidelines listed below, including the links provided. By registering your team for the event, you are acknowledging these policies and guidelines and your agreement to comply with such policies and guidelines for the duration of the event.
We hold ourselves and our community accountable for respectful, safe, and ethical conduct at all REC Foundation-hosted or sanctioned events, per our Code of Conduct.
In accordance with the latest Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas (KBHCCD), local, state, and national guidelines, the REC Foundation will not require masks to be worn inside or outside the event. Individuals are encouraged to make their own choice regarding the wearing or not wearing of a mask.
If you or your team members feel sick while you are in attendance at the event, we ask that you follow the CDC recommendations of:
Helpful Links:
The REC Foundation, in partnership with KBHCC security, the Dallas Police Department, and DART police, are providing additional security support for the duration of the event. The facility is open to the general public, so we advise all teams to keep valuable items with you or take the proper security measures to protect your valuable items.