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SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program


The Department of Defense (DoD) Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship-for-Service Program is a combined educational and workforce development opportunity for bachelors, masters, and Ph.D. students to gain technical skills in critical STEM fields and support the national security mission of DoD. SMART offers full tuition, summer internships, and guaranteed civilian employment with the DoD upon graduation.

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VEX Worlds Search
Robot Shipping Option
Freeman is our shipping partner for the VEX Robotics World Championship. Teams choosing to ship should ensure that their robots arrive on or AFTER April 23, 2024 to the Kay…
Judges observe participants at VEX Robotics World Championship
Volunteer | VEX Robotics World Championship
WE NEED PASSIONATE VOLUNTEERS LIKE YOU TO POWER THE VEX ROBOTICS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! Whether you participate solo or with a group of friends, family, or coworkers, you’ll make a huge…