Robotics Education & Competition Foundation logo

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute logo

Rensselaer is proud to offer up to ten four-year VEX Robotics scholarships (minimum of $12,500 per year), for a total minimum value of $50,000 each, to high school juniors who are participating on a VEX Robotics team. Applicants must have junior status in high school or the equivalent.

Applications should be submitted by students in their Junior year of high school. Applicants will also be required to submit a letter of recommendation from a team adult mentor/coach and a personal essay.

The Application period begins December 1.

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VEX Worlds Search
Robot Shipping Option
Freeman is our shipping partner for the VEX Robotics World Championship. Teams choosing to ship should ensure that their robots arrive on or AFTER April 23, 2024 to the Kay…
Judges observe participants at VEX Robotics World Championship
Volunteer | VEX Robotics World Championship
WE NEED PASSIONATE VOLUNTEERS LIKE YOU TO POWER THE VEX ROBOTICS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! Whether you participate solo or with a group of friends, family, or coworkers, you’ll make a huge…