Thank you to the students from all over the globe who participated in this season's Online Challenges! We are so impressed by all of the entries we received, and we are thrilled to share the 2024 challenge winners. Congratulations to all of these teams!

Click the links below to view the winning entries.

Career Readiness Challenge

Community Award Sponsored by Google

Drone Career Readiness Challenge

Girl Powered Challenge Sponsored by Google

International Robotics Honor Society Service Award

MathWorks Follow The Path Online Challenge

Photography Challenge

Poster Design Challenge

Reverse Engineering Challenge

STEM Research Challenge

Student Advocacy Award

VEXcode VR Skills Challenge

Asian Cultural Exchange Online Challenge

  • VIQRC Elementary School: Team 3723F, Seoul, South Korea
  • VIQRC Middle School: Team 3555C, Hsinchu, Chinese Taipei
  • V5RC Middle School: Team 6546Y, Singapore, Singapore
  • V5RC High School: Team 8223X, Beijing, China

Click here to learn more about the REC Foundation's Online Challenges.

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