Inspiration All Stars

Andrew Lynch

Inspiration All-Star

Andrew Lynch started DiscoBots at Lamar High School, an alliance that has since spread to schools in Houston, Dallas, California, and Canada.

At the time DiscoBots started, VEX Robotics was also just getting underway. Andrew and the DiscoBots team were there for it right from the beginning. Andrew hosted the first local VEX competition at LHS in 2008. Around that time, there were only 1,000 high school teams competing globally, whereas now that number has jumped up to more than 20,000. In the community, Andrew remained extremely involved. At the Houston Maker Faire and Comicpalooza, Andrew made DiscoBots famous. He also organized several VEX tournaments with up to 32 teams, the largest being at the Houston Community College.

Currently, Andrew mentors the teams at Lamar and Carnegie HS in Houston. DiscoBots Beta (2587B) from Lamar and DiscoBots Zephyr (285Z) from Carnegie have qualified for the Texas 2022 Region 3 Championship based on their World skills rank.

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