Why Girl Powered?
Inspiring The Next Generation
The REC Foundation is dedicated to making STEM an exciting and inclusive experience for all students. We highlight the groundbreaking contributions of women in STEM, provide essential tools for success, and foster welcoming environments where confidence and skills can thrive.
What does it mean to be Girl Powered?
It means encouraging your teammates, classmates, friends, and family to step outside their comfort zones and explore new opportunities. It’s about recognizing who isn’t yet represented in robotics, inviting them in, and ensuring they feel like they belong.
Does Girl Powered exclude boys?
Absolutely not. This initiative isn’t about pushing boys out—it’s about bringing everyone in. Robotics is for everyone, and the world needs problem solvers and engineers of all backgrounds. Research shows that although girls and boys express equal interest in science and math during elementary school, many girls disengage in middle school due to various factors¹ . Yet, women make up only 30% of the STEM workforce².
Girl Powered exists to change that reality by redefining the face of STEM and ensuring that all students see a place for themselves in robotics.